Your Details:

    IMPORTANT: To fill in this form, you must be a care leaver currently aged 16-25 and living in England or a support worker who would like to hear about opportunities for your young people.


    The Care Leaver Covenant recognises that support workers have a vital role to play in ensuring that a care leaver hear about what opportunities are available to them. We would like to keep you updated on opportunities, activities and events from us and our signatory partners. Please sign up below.



    Date of birth:(required)

    Please confirm your location: (required)

    Which council does your social worker or personal advisor work for?

    Nearest City: (optional)

    Nearest City: (optional)

    Nearest City: (optional)

    Nearest City: (optional)

    Nearest City: (optional)

    Nearest City: (optional)

    Nearest City: (optional)

    Nearest City: (optional)

    Nearest City: (optional)

    Employment opportunities:

    If you are interested in employment opportunities please fill in the following:

    Type of work:



    Sign me up to receive emails about opportunities. We do not spam your inbox and you can unsubscribe from CONNECTS at any time by clicking the link in the footer of our emails.

     (required) For information please read our privacy policy here.